Ashford Student Hand Carders
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Items are usually shipped from the Ashford warehouse in Victoria, BC. Please allow extra time for processing and shipping. We will let you know if any items are backordered.
This product is being discontinued and is available while supplies last.
Strong moulded 1 piece plywood, the Student Handcarders are strong and will handle hard wear. (72 point cloth)
-blend and card
-stainless steel wire and rubber backing
-no assembly required
-natural finish
Hand carders are used in pairs to prepare fibre or blend fibres or colours in the traditional way. Lightweight and easy to carry they produce small rolags ready for spinning.
Carding area: 8" x 5"
This product is not normally kept in stock, but we are happy to order it in!
Ashford products are only available to be shipped to Canadian addresses, and are not eligible for use with discount codes (including codes generated from rewards) unless otherwise stated.