Unique Yarns & Fibres

Unique Yarns & Fibres


      This collection is for the one of a kind skeins that are not part of our regular colourways. They fall into one of the three categories below.

      No Dye Left Behind (NDLB) 

      These colourways are the result of using dyes that are leftover from other dyeing projects. In order to prevent waste, we use this leftover dye to create unique skeins. These skeins cannot be recreated!

      One of a Kind (OOAK) 

      These are unique because:

      • dyes were used that are no longer available
      • the color was too close to another colourway to stand on it's own
      • a change was made during the dyeing process that altered the look, so it is no longer consistent with a regular colourway
      • the yarn base is no longer stocked
      • a mistake was made at some point in the dyeing process, such as a random small spot of colour that doesn't otherwise appear in the yarn (these are offered at a small discount, and errors will be shown in the listing)


        7 products